- How do you pronounce your surname?
- Where did "GeekyAubergine" come from?
- Long, long ago someone misheard my surname as "Aubergine", this nickname stuck immediately. At the time I was watching a lot of GeekyLemon's videos, so I "borrowed" the "Geeky" part
- What's up with the silly names?
- These are a collection of actual mispronounciations of my name and other funny nicknames I've been given or come up with. If you want add to them open a pr request for the silly names file and I'll get it merged in. Don't forget to add your name 😊
- OMG! What font is that? I love it
- The main text is Atkinson Hyperlegible. Both accessibility minded and pretty!
- The headings are Wilco-Loft-Sans. God it's pretty
- Why are your tags/categories Upper Camel Case?
- Because screen readers struggle to read single-case hashtags, making each word a capital makes it likely that the reader will say each word separately. You should do this too 😊