Five Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
That vexilla/standard is lovely. Can't wait for it to get shot at because it sticks out over some terrain 🤣
Five Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
That vexilla/standard is lovely. Can't wait for it to get shot at because it sticks out over some terrain 🤣
Custodes combat patrol done.
What a journey. Just shy of one month from purchase to completion. By far the fastest I've ever built, painted, and finished any models.
This is also more models and points than I have completed of any other army 🤣
Ten Sisters of Silence ready for basing.
Painting faces and eyes is more difficult than I remember 🤣
Three Custodian Vertus Praetors ready for basing.
These are much bigger than I expected and took much longer than I expected. Not breaking those lances while handling them proved challenging.
Five Custodian Guard reporting for duty.
This was my first time painting black armour and I'm pretty pleased with how it's come out.