My first games of Warhammer 40k
I recently played my first two games of Warhammer 40k, and it was fun
My first games of Warhammer 40k
I recently played my first two games of Warhammer 40k, and it was fun
Painting competition 2022 - Week 6:
After 4 weeks of no progress, thanks to Life™️, it felt good to finally make progress. Got most of the models primed and some base layers down. I'm going to miss the deadline for the competition, but I will see this project out.
Painting competition 2022 - Week 2:
Made some good progress this weekend; 21 models are done. That still leaves a squad and the truck. Aiming to have all the models built and primed by next weekend, leaving me about 4 weeks to paint them.
Painting competition 2022 - Week 1:
I didn't make much progress this week, these models are very intricate and are taking me much longer than I expected to build. Hopefully, I'll get more done next week, as I'm a little worried about missing that deadline at this pace.
This year I decided to take part in a "pick a random start collecting box and paint it" competition. I happen to pick the Genestealer-Cults box, which was the 4th largest. Which, as a slow painter, is scary. I now have 8 weeks to build, paint and present these models.