Five Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
That vexilla/standard is lovely. Can't wait for it to get shot at because it sticks out over some terrain 🤣
Five Custodian Wardens reporting for duty.
That vexilla/standard is lovely. Can't wait for it to get shot at because it sticks out over some terrain 🤣
Custodes combat patrol done.
What a journey. Just shy of one month from purchase to completion. By far the fastest I've ever built, painted, and finished any models.
This is also more models and points than I have completed of any other army 🤣
Tales of Heresy by Dan Abnett, Matthew Farrer, Mike Lee, Graham McNeill, Anthony Reynolds, James Swallow, Gav Thorpe.
3/5 - Mixed bag of short stories. Some are great, some are mid. I do think the good stories outweigh the bad on average and there's a lot of good lore.
Ten Sisters of Silence ready for basing.
Painting faces and eyes is more difficult than I remember 🤣
Three Custodian Vertus Praetors ready for basing.
These are much bigger than I expected and took much longer than I expected. Not breaking those lances while handling them proved challenging.
Five Custodian Guard reporting for duty.
This was my first time painting black armour and I'm pretty pleased with how it's come out.
Mechanicum by Graham McNeill
4/5 - I enjoyed this a lot
Battle for the Abyss by Ben Counter
Techmarine reporting for duty.
Legion by Dan Abnett
2/5 - The story is good, but I found it hard to follow in places.
Fallen Angels by Mike Lee
3/5 - This is better than the previous book. I'm glad I read it immediately after rather than the suggested order.
Brother Eored reporting for duty.
This is my first dreadnought/vehicle, and it's taken a lot longer than I expected. The base still needs some work, and I’ve only just now spotted the white spot in the lascannon barrel 🤣, but overall I'm very pleased with it.
Descent of Angels by Mitchel Scanlon
My first games of Warhammer 40k
I recently played my first two games of Warhammer 40k, and it was fun
Completed the combat patrol part of my leviathan box. Feels good to finally have a playable force ☺️
I think the basing still needs some love, but I'm happy enough with it for now. I also really need to improve my photography set up 🤣
Two more completed Terminators, their Librarian and their Captain. That Captain sculpt looks soooo good.
Three mostly completed Terminators. I like this sculpt
Finished my Red Gobbo, he's a great little model.
I have also demolished my time record, with Red taking about 5 hours, beating my previous record of over 20.
Fulgrim by Graham McNeill
The Flight of the Eisenstein by James Swallow
5 mostly completed Infernus Marines.
I need to finish some small details and get some decals on them. But for my first non-test paint scheme unit, I'm very pleased.
I'm not sold on the bases. Might try to make it more sand coloured.
Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter
4/5 - Amazing
False Gods by Graham McNiell
4/5 - Excellent
Horus Rising by Dan Abnett
4/5 - What an entry to the Horus Heresy. I wasn't sure if I would want to invest myself in this series, but this was great.
With this dread, the Space Marine half of Leviathan is complete (25/72 total).
This dread is awesome. I can't wait for the pose-able kit to come out.
10 Infernus Marines done (24/72 total)
I like these much more now I've seen them in person. Only the dread to go and that’s the Space Marine half complete 🥳
5 (and a half) more done (14/72 total)
I'm going to have to get more of these Terminators. They’re awesome
9 down, only 63 more to go 🙃
The new Terminator Captain and Apothecary sculpts are lovely
Leviathan time 🥳
Leviathan successfully ordered 🥳
Damn, she’s pretty 😍
Not bad for an evening’s work. Can't wait to get painting.
The new launch box looks awesome. Some nice glow-ups and new models there. I think the Tyranids have the better half of the box, but that new dreadnaught looks really nice.
Continuing to experiment with accent colours for my purple space marines.
I'm not a fan of the white backpack, but the full purple marine looks much better now I've done some highlighting.
Experimenting with different backpack and pauldron colours for my purple marines.
I'm enjoying the white pauldrons, but I'm torn between the purple and black backpack. I'm not sold on the white kneecaps either.
Finally made a start on my Ogroid Theridons. Not sold on the banner, I'm tempted to try the same black and red 8-point like the show models.
Scourge of Fate by Robbie MacNiven
4/5 - This is great. It adds so much depth and character to the Slaves to Darkness. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the army or Choas in general.
Trying out some yellow recipes for a potential Imperial Fists army. Painting black next to yellow is _very_ scary.
8 more space marines built ready for painting tomorrow. Got some more themes to test. Only took 4 hours to do, which is I think my fastest time per model to date.
Got about an hour of painting done today. Still trying out some colours for my space marines. I'm still leaning towards the purple but want to try a darker one, as this is still a little too pink for me. Though shading and that should help.
Hats off to any Salamanders players; warpstone glow is a frustrating paint to work with. It's still patchy after 3 coats.
Saving my Chaos Knight
During my recent house move I managed to snap the lance off of one of my Chaos Knights. Though some stressful drilling I was able to save it.
Finished my Goff Rocker. Pretty pleased with the result; still a few little touch-ups to do, but for my first Ork, I'm very happy, the skin is a lot of fun to highlight.
Finally got a chance to start painting my Goff Rocker. Ork skin is a lot of fun to paint. Still got a long way to go but not bad for an evening's work.
Painting competition 2022 - Week 6:
After 4 weeks of no progress, thanks to Life™️, it felt good to finally make progress. Got most of the models primed and some base layers down. I'm going to miss the deadline for the competition, but I will see this project out.
Painting competition 2022 - Week 2:
Made some good progress this weekend; 21 models are done. That still leaves a squad and the truck. Aiming to have all the models built and primed by next weekend, leaving me about 4 weeks to paint them.
Painting competition 2022 - Week 1:
I didn't make much progress this week, these models are very intricate and are taking me much longer than I expected to build. Hopefully, I'll get more done next week, as I'm a little worried about missing that deadline at this pace.
This year I decided to take part in a "pick a random start collecting box and paint it" competition. I happen to pick the Genestealer-Cults box, which was the 4th largest. Which, as a slow painter, is scary. I now have 8 weeks to build, paint and present these models.
Finished reading: Deathwatch: Shadowbreaker (Warhammer 40,000) by Steve Parker 📚
4/5 - Good read, the plot is engaging, and the imagery is well thought out. I was previously interested in Deathwatch, and this book has only interested me further. What surprised me a little was the interactions between marines of different chapters, which only adds to the depth of their character. Some basic familiarity with 40k, the primary loyalist chapters, the Inquisition and many Xenos factions is essential to get the most out of this book.
Finished reading: The Devastation of Baal by Guy Haley 📚
4/5 - Excellent book, the descriptions of both the Blood Angles and Tryranids are amazing. I would highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of either faction (or space marines and Warhammer in general).
Finally got round to finishing some test models for my new Tyranids army. Not all of them are finished, but I think I've narrowed down what scheme I want to do.
Trying out a black backpack for my purple space marines.
Trying out different color yellow shoulder pads for my purple space marines.
Trying out some purple space marines
I finished reading Caves of Ice by Sandy Mitchell 📚
3/5 - It's hard to talk about this book without spoiling it. I enjoyed it a lot and ended up reading it surprisingly quickly. I'm very tempted to start a "small" Imperial Guard collection for Ciaphas Cain and friends.
I finished reading For the Emperor by Sandy Mitchell 📚
4/5 - A great entry into the world of Warhammer books, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It conveys the grim darkness of the universe while being comical and approachable. I highly recommend it. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series
Some Glaivewraith Stalkers from my tempest of souls box
Painted up some test models after a long break after my first attempt, and decided to try a few different things
Throwback to the first model I ever painted a few years ago. Many things I could’ve done better, but I don’t think it’s too bad for a first go